Transaction Status

Transactions on Glide can have a number of different statuses depending on where a transaction is in the process of being included in the blockchain. Understanding these statuses can help you troubleshoot issues, build safer applications, and display more accurate information to your users.


Instant after sending to Sequencer

A transaction is considered "pending" when it has been sent to the Sequencer but has not yet been included in a block. This is the first status a transaction will have after being sent to the Sequencer. At this point the transaction is not part of the blockchain and there is no guarantee that the transaction will be included in the blockchain.

The list of all pending transactions can be retrieved by calling the standard JSON-RPC method eth_getBlockByNumberwith the parameter pending as the block number.

Sequencer Confirmed / Unsafe

Typically within 2-4 seconds

A transaction is considered "sequencer confirmed" or "unsafe" when it has been included in a block by the Sequencer but that block has not yet been published to Ethereum. Although the transaction is included in a block, it is still possible for the transaction to be excluded from the final blockchain if the Sequencer fails to publish the block to Ethereum within the Sequencing Window (approximately 12 hours). Applications should make sure to consider this possibility when displaying information about transactions that are in this state.

The latest "sequencer confirmed" block can be retrieved by calling the standard JSON-RPC method eth_getBlockByNumberwith the parameter safe as the block number and comparing this to the result returned for the latest block. If the safe block is behind the latest block, then the earliest "sequencer confirmed" block is the safe block plus one.

Published to Ethereum / Safe

Typically within 5-10 minutes, up to 12 hours

A transaction is considered "safe" when it has been included in a block by the Sequencer and that block has been published to Ethereum but that block is not yet finalized. Once a block has been published to Ethereum there is a high likelihood that the block will be included in the final blockchain. However, it is still possible for the block to be excluded from the final blockchain if the Ethereum blockchain experiences a reorganization.

The latest "safe" block can be retrieved by calling the standard JSON-RPC method eth_getBlockByNumber with the parameter safe as the block number.

Transactions typically become "safe" within a few minutes of becoming "sequencer confirmed".

Last updated